Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Oh My... Long Time No See!

Wow, I haven't been on here forever.
I sorta actually forgot about this, tbh.
I've been super busy and we're moving sooo.... yeah?
Idk lol.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Updates from Kylie!

Hey guys, Kylie here! I'm alive, in case you were wondering. Navie and I have been super busy lately with school and everything. I'll try to post as much as I can, but that might be a little hard. Also, I got another sister in June (Saige) so now I have 5 sisters, not including me. 


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Addicted to Minecraft

A wonderful game, it is. Hello peasants. It's Navie. I have recently taken up the game of Minecraft. As geeky as it looks, I must say, it sucks you in.
Hannah is going to take away my desktop because of it. I don't understand why?! I only spent 7 hours on it and shunned my homework. Oh well. Who wants to learn about the parts of a stupid cell? Defiantly not me.
Anyways, here is a chicken for you all.

See ya soon,

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Google Reader and Bloglovin

Hey. y'all! It's Kylie :D
Incase you didn't hear, Google Reader  is being shut down in July, I believe.
So, follow us on Bloglovin so ya don't loose us!
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/5876987/?claim=96hpm2k5kjx">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Guest post by: Savannah!

Hey guys, It's Savannah! (Kylie's awesome sister)
Here are some facts about me!
-I'm 12, so that makes me the oldest.
-I love animals, music, acting, art and photography.
-I'm an actress
-I have a cat, Licorice
-I'm a Swiftie
-I donate $100 every year to St. Judes Hospital.
There's more, but I have to go, bye :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Hey y'all, it's Kylie!
 I'm so sorry that I haven't posting in decades, mom is holding her tablet at all times, so I can't really get on the internet a lot. And she hides it at night, long story....
I've also made a lot of friends at ISU so almost every night I'm at a sleepover. I also got a new sister in December, Her name is Savannah and she's MAG #33! We also got two cats. Nani, Savannah and I are also staring in a new show that mom is working on, so that takes up MORE time.
Our house is always loud and stuff, Nani and Savannah are out shopping... I just got a text from Savannah-

Be home in 15 minutes, Kylie! Don't explode the microwave while I'm gone... again.

If your wondering about the exploding-the-microwave thing, I was just trying to make smores! But... the microwave blew up.... In my defense the cats were distracting me... Instead of 30 seconds... I did 30 minutes.... yeah....

Well, I have to go now! Mom is really busy next week so don't expect any posts for a couple weeks.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

So sorry!

Sorry for the terrible delay of posts! I have no excuses...........
Anyways, my owner made a video on youtube! Wowzers! Sadly, I am not in it. *tear*
Love you lovlies. :*